11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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Are you looking for information on the partners of polisMOBILITY expo & conference? Then you've come to the right place. This year, both the German Association of Cities and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities are once again patrons of the event. At the same time, the Federal Minister of Transport, Dr Volker Wissing, will also be the patron of polisMOBILITY expo & conference for the first time in 2024.

Federal Minister of Transport Wissing on the patronage of polisMOBILITY 2024

Federal Minister of Transport Dr Volker Wissing, patron of polisMOBILITY 2024 / © Federal Government / Jesco Denzel

Federal Minister of Transport Dr Volker Wissing, patron of polisMOBILITY 2024 / © Federal Government / Jesco Denzel

Dr. Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Digital and Transport Affairs, has now taken over the patronage of the polisMOBILITY expo & conference. ‘Innovative mobility concepts are crucial for the future of our cities. Digitalisation in particular opens up many opportunities for us here. The key is more and better mobility data. It is the basic prerequisite for attractive, multimodal transport services and real-time traffic information services. The federal government is already working on a mobility data law. The digital Deutschlandticket will also give a further boost to the digitalisation of public transport. If people can conveniently and easily switch from car or bike to public transport or train, this will not only make travelling easier, but also save CO2,’ emphasised Wissing.

‘A space for open dialogue between political decision-makers, municipal stakeholders and solution providers is essential. That is why I am supporting polisMOBILITY as patron, a platform that goes beyond the exchange of ideas and makes innovative mobility solutions tangible.’

As a central platform for cross-sector dialogue, polisMOBILITY brings together the leading minds from politics, municipal institutions, the private sector and science over two days to actively shape and promote sustainable mobility solutions.

Minister complements patronage by the Association of German Cities and the German Association of Towns and Municipalities

Helmut Dedy, Chief Executive of the Association of German Cities

‘The transport transition is more than just a challenge for our cities; it is a necessary transformation. With the patronage of polisMOBILITY, we are supporting the dialogue on the mobility of the future in order to shape our urban spaces sustainably.’

Dr. André Berghegger, Managing Director of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities

‘What is possible in transport policy depends heavily on local conditions. A broad range of instruments is therefore needed to really shape the transport transition locally. polisMOBILITY is an ideal platform for discussing ideas and strengthening partnerships that drive the transition towards inclusive and sustainable cities and communities.’

For more information about our partners, click on the respective logo.

Business France
Business France Partner - Public Sector
Volkswagen Group
Volkswagen Group Partner - Private Sector

Partner - Public Sector

Deutscher Städtetag

Deutscher Städtetag

„Today's responses to climate change, urbanization and digitalization, as well as the energy and mobility revolution, will determine how we live in the future. Taking on the patronage of polisMOBILITY is a logical consequence for us.“

Helmut Dedy, CEO, Deutscher Städtetag

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Stadt Köln

Stadt Köln

"The polisMOBILITY goes into the next round and once again offers the stage for innovative urban mobility and transformation. Cologne shows how the transformation to a metropolis of sustainable mobility can succeed."

Henriette Reker, Mayor of the City of Cologne

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Alliance for Mobility of the State of NRW

Alliance for Mobility of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

"The Bündnis für MobThe Bündnis für Mobiilitätilität acts as a pioneer and mediator for simple, flexible and climate-neutral mobility in North Rhine-Westphalia. In order to raise public awareness of the common goals, the The Bündnis für Mobilität, which now has around 130 partners from business, science, the transport industry and associations, serves as an overarching state-wide network of stakeholders."

Source: Memorandum

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OCA Open Traffic Systems City Association e.V.

OCA Open Traffic Systems City Association e.V.

“The Open Traffic Systems City Association (OCA) represents the interests of public road network authorities and operators of transport control technology and transport management systems. Our members are responsible for ensuring all modes of transport within urban areas function smoothly. Aligning day-to-day business operations with modern and future-oriented technologies and processes is a particular challenge that can only succeed with well networked partners. Networking in mobility is the challenging organisational task that we set ourselves. polisMOBILITY is the perfect platform for learning from applied best practices and discovering new solutions and approaches.”

Anton Bauer, Chairman of the Executive Board, OCA (City of Munich)

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"The mobility of the future opens up many opportunities if the associated challenges are solved step by step. Automation and networking offer great potential to meet these challenges. Due to the high complexity and interdisciplinarity, it is necessary to bundle and further expand existing competences in order to develop holistic solutions. innocam.NRW, the competence network for automated and networked mobility in North Rhine-Westphalia, has dedicated itself to this goal.

The polisMOBILITY offers the perfect platform to bring stakeholders together and promote dialogue. That's why innocam.NRW is pleased to be part of the trade fair and to stimulate this dialogue with interactive formats."

Marcel Sonntag, M.Sc., Project Coordinator innocam.NRW

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KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH

KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH

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Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen

Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen

“The digital transformation has entered the field of mobility as well and is opening up hitherto unknown potential to meet the mobility needs of people and goods. At the Federal Highway Research Institute, we are addressing the challenge of leading road transport into a digital, connected and automated future. We therefore welcome polisMOBILITY and the highly relevant issues and offerings it will present in our immediate vicinity, and we are looking forward to many stimulating conversations and meetings.”

Professor Markus Oeser, President of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)

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Verband Kommunlaer Unternehmen e.V.

Verband Kommunlaer Unternehmen e.V.

„Local public utilities provide and promote modern mobility. They are the powerhouses of the energy and transport transformation - providing clean energy production, nationwide supply infrastructure, modern vehicle fleets and user-friendly mobility services. To keep it that way, they need a reliable regulatory environment.“

Ingbert Liebing, Hauptgeschäftsführer, Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e. V. (VKU)

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Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur

Nationale Leitstelle Ladeinfrastruktur

„On behalf of the BMDV, the National Control Center for Charging Infrastructure coordinates and controls the activities for the expansion of the charging infrastructure in Germany under the umbrella of the state-owned NOW GmbH. We support the planning, implementation and promotion of the charging infrastructure. In order to better understand the need for charging stations, we record relevant data. We connect all the important players and pass on our knowledge. We always keep an eye on the users - simply charging. That's what we're working on."

Johannes Pallasch Spokesman for the management team of the National Control Center for Charging Infrastructure

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Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV)

Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV)

“Our sector will do everything to play a significant part in achieving the climate protection targets. According to a report that the VDV commissioned as the sector association, the climate protection targets can be achieved by 2030 with a nationwide push to expand local public transport provision.”

Ingo Wortmann, President of the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV)

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Arbeitsgemeinschaft fahrradfreundliche Städte in NRW - AGFS

Arbeitsgemeinschaft fußgänger- und fahrradfreundlicher Städte, Gemeinden und Kreise in Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (AGFS NRW)

"With the networking of the AGFS conference and polisMOBILITY, expertise and innovation come together to keep municipal walking and cycling promotion rolling," says AGFS board member Christine Fuchs. "The aim is to intensify the dialogue and to highlight challenges and opportunities."

Christine Fuchs - AGFS Board

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Bundesverband der Kurier-Express-Post-Dienste e.V.

Bundesverband der Kurier-Express-Post-Dienste e.V.

"Goods transports are closely intertwined with urban and rural ecosystems. The ongoing changes in these ecosystems therefore also change the transport of goods and vice versa. Polis mobility offers participants from many segments an overarching exchange platform. This exchange is a prerequisite for successful change processes for as many participants as possible. That is why the Bundesverband der Kurier-Express-Post-Dienste e.V. supports this event and is looking forward to the fair."

Andreas Schumann, Chairman of the BdKEP

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Bundesverband Zukunft Fahrrad e.V.

Bundesverband Zukunft Fahrrad e.V.

"Only with the bicycle as a central component can the challenges of climate-friendly, safe and area-efficient mobility in cities and regions be solved. The goal must be to achieve a shift to cycling, especially on the many short and medium-length everyday journeys. The bicycle industry is helping to point the way to the future with innovative products and solutions. The role that cargo bikes or bikesharing, for example, can play is demonstrated by polisMOBILITY with its holistic approach."

Wasilis von Rauch, Managing Director Zukunft Fahrrad

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Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund

Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund

"The future of mobility is not decided in the conurbations, but throughout Germany and especially in the rural regions."

Dr Gerd Landsberg, Chief Executive, Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund

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amec urbis is the Spanish Cluster that groups the main manufacturers of solutions for smart cities with the aim of boosting their ability to be more sustainable, adaptable, collaborative, anticipative, and internationalised. Therefore, we believe that polisMobility can be a perfect stage for our members to succeed in fulfilling those aims within the framework of the mobility of the future and while growing and meeting all kind of potential partners.

Aleix Serrallonga, KAM of amec urbis.

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Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) - mFUND

Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) - mFUND

"polisMOBILITY is the place to discuss ideas and solutions for tomorrow's mobility with experts from all over the world. Technology openness, digitalisation and knowledge transfer are important keys to enabling climate-friendly, efficient and affordable mobility for all. With the Competence Network for Sustainable Mobility and the mFUND funding programme, we present two projects with which we promote exchange and digitalisation in the mobility sector. Reliable and openly accessible data are indispensable for the mobility of tomorrow. The BMDV and its business division are making more and more data publicly available. In doing so, we also want to be a role model for the federal states and municipalities. Only if everyone shares their data can tailor-made mobility services for citizens be created."

Stefan Schnorr, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV)

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Partner - Private Sector

EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Urban Mobility

„EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT Urban Mobility acts to accelerate positive change on mobility to make urban spaces more liveable. We are happy to discuss this subject during polisMOBILITY.“

Judith O’Meara, Innovation Hub Central director at EIT Urban Mobility

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Handwerk NRW

Handwerk NRW

“polisMOBILITY showcases what will drive our mobility in future. The skilled trades sector is on board: curious about new solutions for mobility for businesses, competent in the maintenance and servicing of innovative technologies, and with a local presence for developing and modernising urban infrastructure. That’s why, for us, polisMOBILITY is the ideal forum for holding discussions with a wide range of partners about technological developments, a transport policy that benefits businesses, and public-private partnerships on a municipal level.

Professor Hans Jörg Hennecke, CEO of HANDWERK.NRW

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RAI Automotive Industry NL

RAI Automotive Industry NL

“The Dutch Automotive Industry understands that battery technology and smart charging infra remains key for healthy mobility solutions.”

Gerard Koning, Program Manager Green Mobility at RAI Automotive Industry NL

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PSPA | We drive e-mobilty!


„It is very important to look at the future of the cities with great openness, to be aware that mobility in cities is changing. We are experiencing transformation into New Mobility which will lead to greener and more pleasant cities to live in.”

Maciej Mazur, Director

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ACV Automobil-Club Verkehr e.V.

ACV Automobil-Club Verkehr e.V.

The transition of the transport system will only succeed in the long term if we plan multimodally and connect our means of transport optimally with one another. In the process, socially compatible individual mobility must retain its firm place. Our automobile club was founded 60 years ago in Cologne, and we look forward to an exciting exchange at the polisMOBILITY trade fair in our home city."

Philipp Mathey, Pressesprecher, ACV Automobil-Club Verkehr e.V.

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polisMOBILITY allows our members to get inspired with the last trends on mobility and get to meet with the best partners to make their companies grow. It is marked as an unmissable event for the year.


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Bundesverband eMobilität e.V.

Bundesverband eMobilität e.V.

We are in favour of promoting light vehicles because they are not only more practical in urban areas, but also require significantly less energy.

Markus Emmert, Member of the Board of Bundesverband eMobilität e.V.

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ACE Auto Club Europa e.V.

ACE Auto Club Europa e.V.

"ACE Auto Club Europa is there for all modern mobile people, regardless of the means of transport they use. As a mobility companion, we are dedicated to five core topics: Accident and breakdown assistance, road safety, electric mobility, new forms of mobility and consumer protection. In addition, we have been involved in the field of corporate mobility management for almost 20 years and have a great deal of expertise and an extensive network. The goal of our "Gute Wege" department is to make employee mobility efficient, sustainable and climate-friendly."

Kerstin Hurek, Head of Transport Policy, ACE Auto Club Europa e.V.

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Women in Mobility

Women in Mobility

"Mobility is the ability to move from A to B. Having mobility means social participation. However, our society is diverse and so should our mobility options be."

Dr Sophia von Berg, Managing Director Women in Mobility

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Zukunft Nahverkehr

Zukunft Nahverkehr

"Mobility is a basic need. To ensure that mobility is accessible to everyone everywhere, we need strong local public transport. Such an efficient public transport sector can only succeed if we work together!

With the initiative ZUKUNFT NAHVERKEHR we give space and stage to inspire, discuss and realize an attractive local transport together as an industry. Be part of it!"

Christian Schaalo, Market Strategy and Industry Communication, DB Regio AG

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Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft

"As the Austrian Association for Transport Sciences, we are committed to the exchange of information between the most diverse interest groups on mobility and transport - from pedestrians to cargo ships. It is important to us that mobility is not only considered on a national level, but also across borders. Through collaborations such as polisMOBILITY, we promote this international networking in order to increasingly think and act as Europe in matters of passenger and freight transport."

- Renée Ramdohr (General Secretary and Managing Director)

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Conference partner



"For us, polisMOBILITY is the perfect platform for a collaborative exchange on how we can successfully respond to the challenges posed by the mobility and energy transition."

Stephan A. Vogelskamp, Vorstand automotiveland.nrw

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Logo cargobike.jetzt


"Cargo bikes are a powerful symbol of the mobility transition and cargo bike sharing has great potential. It is time for a European expert conference. Cargo Bike Sharing Europe will bring together service providers, cities and other stakeholders across Europe for the first time. And Cologne, as a city with important pioneering projects, is exactly the right place for it."

Arne Behrensen, CEO, cargobike.jetzt GmbH

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Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co.KG

Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co.KG

“The guiding principle of the functional, car-centric city has been a fundamental premise of city planning for many decades. In view of global technological developments in digitalisation, artificial intelligence and energy storage, we are now on the threshold of a ‘mobility-centric’ city that will open up brand-new possibilities for designing sustainable and liveable cities. With polisMOBILITY, we are keen to support this transformation and be a partner in the dialogue between the worlds of business, politics and urban society.”

Johannes Busmann, CEO Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co.KG



Metropolregion-Rheinland e.V.

Metropolregion-Rheinland e.V.

„Mobility, traffic and infrastructure are of fundamental importance for the functioning of the region and the regionally connected living environment of the people in the Rhineland. It is necessary to align regional traffic to future-proof, sustainable and multimodal mobility concepts. As a dynamically growing region, the Rhineland metropolitan region in the heart of Europe has been focused on an innovative, carbon neutral and digital future of mobility. This requires the maintenance of an efficient road and rail system as well as the expansion of alternative metropolitan-friendly mobility structures.“

Dr Stephan Keller, Chairman of the Executive Board of Metropolregion-Rheinland e.V.

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Theme worlds

  • Municipal mobility turnaround
  • Local public transport & mobility services
  • Urban drive system and energy transition

Learn more about the themes of polisMOBILITY

This was polisMOBILITY 2024

Exciting panels, inspiring presentations and interactive workshops - that was the polisMOBILITY expo & conference 2024. We have summarized the highlights in a review.

To the review 2024

Missed a panel or keynote? No problem, individual contributions are available as videos in our media library.

To the media library