11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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polisMOBILITY 2024 - Your participation opportunities

Discover the wide range of participation opportunities within the polisMOBILITY conference and as a sponsor at the exhibition centre. Show your presence and create awareness for your company!


Customer panel

Design your own panel
Would you like to enter into dialogue with experts and have as much creative freedom as possible? Then a customer panel is just right for you. The format lasts a maximum of 60 minutes and is organised by you as the customer. Organise it according to your ideas to share your experiences and provide valuable insights into your work!

Impulse presentation

Inspire and be inspired
With a 20-minute impulse presentation, you can present your industry expertise in a compact and effective way. You will also benefit from a designated slot in the conference programme. Inspire and energise the specialist audience - with your thoughts on the mobility of tomorrow!

Presentation on the citySTAGE

Clear the stage for your case
Centrally located in the its “cities + regions” exhibition area, the citySTAGE creates a discussion forum for an open expert dialogue on the challenges in the municipal transport turnaround. Would you like to take part as a city or municipal company? Then bring your case directly to the stage during a presentation, share your experiences and discuss with relevant decision-makers. A presentation lasts 15 minutes, followed by a five-minute Q&A session.

Panel participation

Your topic, meaningfully integrated
Get actively involved in the conference programme - with a curated panel lasting a maximum of 60 minutes. Unlike the individual customer panel, you will be included in a panel that depends on the programme. As the topic is predetermined, it is necessary to consult with the conference partner Müller + Busmann in advance. Meet other experts here, present your project and take part in the discussion!

Book your participation in the conference or as a sponsor now

To the booking (.pdf)


Sponsor Plaza

Use this opportunity to present your company as prominently as possible. The Plaza is the central meeting point - this is where trade fair visitors meet in an informal atmosphere for professional dialogue and networking. As a sponsor of the Plaza, your logo will appear on the back wall of the Plaza. You also have the option of setting up two screens to show a personal trailer.

Sponsor Happy Hour

On the evening of the second day of the trade fair, 23 May 2024, we invite you to Happy Hour in the outdoor area between Halls 1 and 4. You will have the opportunity to round off the day together with cold drinks and tasty snacks. Further details on the various options require individual arrangements with the Koelnmesse team.

Sponsor startupPITCH

A breath of fresh air: At startupPITCH, start-ups from the mobility sector present their visions, ideas and solutions for the mobility of tomorrow and compete with other start-ups. The pitch will take place on the second day of the trade fair, 23 May 2024, including the jury decision and award ceremony at activeSTAGE. Further details require individual arrangements with the Koelnmesse team. Be there and appear as a sponsor when young, up-and-coming companies come together!

Spotlight reception

Become a host: Invite to a Spotlight Reception on the fringes of the polisMOBILITY conference. During the lunch break of the regular conference programme, one Spotlight Reception will take place on activeSTAGE on each of the three conference days. Each reception will last 45 minutes. Catering is included. Use the break to make new contacts and strengthen existing ones over drinks!

Business Breakfast

Expand your network and organise a Business Breakfast (catering included). It’s not only the 20 participants who will appreciate the opportunity to chat over breakfast in a relaxed atmosphere. You benefit too: During a 10-minute keynote speech, you have the chance to present your ideas and make a lasting impression.

Sponsorship packages

  • Hosting of own panel (45 min.; in consultation with conference team)
  • Logo integration conference (breaks, stele)
  • Logo integration on conference media
  • Logo on sponsor website
  • Digital advertising space (LED)
  • Editorial in the polisMOBILITY online magazine and announcement in the industry newsletter
  • Trade fair app: Homepage
  • Banner in newsletter: Rectangle
  • Logo integration on website
  • Impulse (20 min.; in consultation with conference team)
  • Logo integration conference (breaks, stele)
  • Logo integration on conference media
  • Digital advertising spaces (LED)
  • Editorial in the polisMOBILITY online magazine and announcement in the industry newsletter
  • Trade fair app: Tabbar
  • Banner in the newsletter: Rectangle
  • Logo integration on website
  • Logo integration conference (breaks, stele)
  • Logo integration on conference media
  • Trade fair app: Logo hall plan
  • Logo integration on website
Luisa Goebel

Any questions?

Luisa Goebel
Sales Manager Germany
Mobil +49 176 1256 3246
Write an e-mail