The target groups of polisMOBILITY
Mobility concerns us all: how we will travel sustainably, networked and comfortably - for this, polisMOBILITY offers the optimal framework digitally and on site to all actors from business, public institutions and civil society (B2G2C).
Target group public sector
Municipalities and municipal companies play a decisive role in the mobility transition - as local rule-makers and as operators of municipal transport companies or municipal fleets. They set the framework for transport policy, promote cycle paths, pedestrian zones, low emission zones and sustainable mobility options. In this way, they actively shape the mobility behaviour of citizens and make a significant contribution to the transport transition.
Municipal companies, including public utilities and transport companies, implement innovative mobility concepts. They invest in environmentally friendly technologies such as electric and hydrogen vehicles and develop digital solutions for traffic management. Their experience and innovative strength are indispensable for the successful implementation of the transport transition.
The trade fair offers this target group a unique platform for dialogue and networking. In specialist forums, workshops and discussion panels, municipal decision-makers and representatives of municipal companies can familiarise themselves with the latest trends and technologies and work together to develop solutions for the transport transition. Special focal points are the urban drive and energy transition, public transport & mobility services and the municipal mobility transition, which provide valuable impetus for implementation in the municipalities.
Target group companies
The mobility transition opens up numerous new business models and opportunities for companies. It is crucial to consider the needs of new players such as sharing and energy providers as well as traditional companies such as courier services, craft businesses and logistics service providers. These different groups of companies face specific challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed in order to create a sustainable and efficient mobility landscape.
New players in the mobility sector, such as car-sharing and bike-sharing providers or energy companies that provide charging infrastructure, use the trade fair to present their innovative business models and forge partnerships. These companies develop flexible, sustainable mobility solutions that meet modern requirements and benefit from the exchange of pioneering technologies.
At the same time, the trade fair addresses the diverse needs of traditional companies that face specific challenges. Examples include courier services, craft businesses and logistics service providers that need to make their fleets more environmentally friendly while remaining efficient. Special forums and workshops offer these companies practical solutions and valuable ideas for optimising their transport processes and reducing emissions. In this way, the trade fair contributes to the holistic promotion of the transport revolution and the creation of a sustainable mobility landscape.
Target group citizens

The greatest challenge of the mobility turnaround is to win over citizens with convincing visions of new planning and mobility concepts. It is crucial to promote close dialogue with associations, initiatives and early adopters such as e-mobility users and all those interested in mobility. The trade fair offers an ideal platform for presenting innovative ideas and concepts and intensifying dialogue.
Citizens play a central role in the mobility transition, as they are the users of new mobility solutions and have a decisive influence on their acceptance and success. The trade fair aims to inform them about the advantages and possibilities of sustainable mobility and to encourage their active participation. Workshops, discussion panels and information stands offer a wide range of opportunities to find out about current developments and talk directly to experts and other interested parties.
A particular focus will be on dialogue with associations and initiatives that are committed to sustainable mobility, as well as with early adopters who have already gained experience with new forms of mobility such as electric cars or car sharing. These players can provide valuable insights and practical tips on how the mobility transition can be implemented in everyday life. By involving all those interested in mobility, the trade fair creates a broad basis for change.