11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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Conference Highlights

picture of the conference 2023

An exciting and varied programme of panels, keynotes and workshops awaited you again this year at the polisMOBILITY expo & conference. The focus was on the key topics of municipal mobility transition, urban drive and energy transition as well as public transport and mobility services.

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the many highlights in more detail, including various panel discussions and individual keynote speeches by experts who deal with different aspects of the transport and mobility transition on a daily basis.

At the moment we are creating a new conference programme for the next polisMOBILITY 2025.

Would you like more input and impressions on the topic of the transport and mobility transition? Then visit the polisMOBILITY camp in Cologne city centre after the expo & conference. On 24 and 25 May 2024, Rudolfplatz once again was transformed into a space for experience and dialogue for all Cologne residents and people from the surrounding area. Be there in 2025, join the discussion and shape the urban mobility of tomorrow!

Survival of the fittest? How the future modal split will change the roles and business models of OEMs

22.05.2024 I 11.00 - 12.30 a.m. I visionSTAGE

Shaping the future and paving new paths are special entrepreneurial tasks. Applied to multinational OEMs, this means charting an almost unmanageable course and pursuing visions that have an effective impact on various business areas. What does this mean for the self-image of OEMs? How can the complex value chains be trimmed for sustainability? And how can strategic alliances be used to open up new areas of impact and business?

What now, industry?! When industries need to transform

22.05.2024 I 17.15 - 18.00 I visionSTAGE

The decarbonisation of transport and energy is presenting industries with major upheavals. At the same time, they have to deal with skills shortages and energy crises, while demands for a green and sustainable economy are challenging established business practices. Companies are having to compete in new markets and consolidation is on the horizon. In this context, we talk to decision-makers from the public and private sectors in the energy and automotive industries about the question: How do we shape this transformation for a liveable city of tomorrow?

Be and stay courageous: Municipal action strategies in turbulent times

22.05.2024 I 17.00 - 18.00 I openSTAGE

Whether due to court judgements, citizens' decisions, political blockades or simple majority losses: innovative transport concepts that have been years in the making often fail at almost the last second. For those who want to initiate change and drive the transformation forward, setbacks like these are not only politically frustrating, but also personally frustrating. Municipal colleagues discuss which corridors of action remain open despite this and how to continue to courageously drive change.

New paths for the mobility turnaround! What infrastructure does eco-mobility need?

23.05.2024 I 15.45 - 16.45 I openSSTAGE

The mobility transition is a nationwide infrastructure project of historic dimensions. From rail networks to road and cycle path construction to mobility hubs: across Germany, municipalities and transport companies are facing enormous investments to put eco-mobility in the fast lane. How do we get on track towards achieving climate targets? Do we need new political objectives for the expansion and modernisation of infrastructure? And is the existing room for manoeuvre and financial framework already sufficient to achieve them?

Don't miss this keynotes!

Portrait of Friedemann Karig

Friedemann Karig, Podcaster & Author ©Paul Ripke

It's that time again - the third polisMOBILITY conference begins and opens up two days of intensive exchange and discussion on the urban mobility of tomorrow! We have a clear position: the transport sector must also fulfil the climate targets. After a brief welcome from the polisMOBILITY hosts, we will set the scene for this with Friedemann Karig. Because the message of every powerful story is that change is possible and good. What should a strong narrative look like and what roles should be assigned?

Friedemann Karig (*1982) studied media studies, politics and economics in Passau and Cologne and has written for SZ, ZEIT, SPON and Deutschlandfunk, among others. His non-fiction book ‘Wie wir lieben’ was published by Blumenbar in 2017, his debut novel ‘Dschungel’ by Ullstein in 2019 (nominated for the zdf.aspekte debut prize) and the non-fiction bestseller ‘Erzählende Affen’ in October 2021.

Why mobility transitions do not begin with mobility: Meredith Glaser (Urban Cycling Institute/ Ghent University)

Why mobility transitions do not begin with mobility: Meredith Glaser (Urban Cycling Institute/ Ghent University)

Prof. Dr. Meredith Glaser, CEO/ Professor of Cycling

Decades of work towards achieving sustainability show that mobility is essential and yet unsustainable. With climate change, market forces, societal costs of car-dependency, mobility in cities faces an epic crossroad. However, no single policy, city, organization or company can plot the recipe to achieve success. In the face of uncertainty, progress can be difficult: it’s unclear how any future can come to fruition. This talk is about the craft of change and the tremendous window of opportunity that lies before us. How can our cities realize a reality that does not yet exist?

Dr Meredith Glaser is Managing Director of the Urban Cycling Institute, an Amsterdam-based non-governmental organisation dedicated to research, higher education and capacity building. She is also Professor of Cycling at Ghent University. She is a leading expert in the field and one of the most sought-after teachers for learning about urban cycling systems, governance and knowledge transfer. She holds a PhD in Urban Planning from the University of Amsterdam.

Enhancing Cycling in Urban and Rural Areas: How Can We Get More Bikes for More People onto our Streets?

The panel will focus on the measures that need to be taken at different levels to increase cycling usage. What political decisions need to be made and what do cities and municipalities need for promoting cycling? How can cycling initiatives not only encourage more people to cycle but also appeal to a wider range of demographics? However, where are the limits for cycling as well?

This format will be hosted by cargobike.jetzt

Generative AI is changing the world: Vanessa Cann (KI-Bundesverband)

Generative AI is changing the world: Vanessa Cann (KI-Bundesverband)

Vanessa Cann, AI entrepreneur and board member of the German AI Association

Generative AI is already revolutionising our lives and work as a transformative force. From impressive applications in text, video, image and audio to the impact on the economy - the futureTALK shows how GenAI is changing the rules of the game. How is the labour market changing under the influence of GenAI and what steps are needed to prepare for the AI era.

Vanessa Cann is one of the most recognised minds in the European AI ecosystem. She has founded several initiatives and companies, including nyonic, which develops multilingual language models for industrial applications. As Managing Director of the German AI Association, she has shaped it into one of the largest networks for AI companies in Europe. Today, she contributes her extensive expertise as a member of the association's board. Vanessa was recognised by Forbes as one of the 30 most influential people under 30 and by Capital as one of the 40 leading personalities under 40 for her commitment to AI.

Cover of the visitor guide

All highlights together

Here you can find all the highlights of polisMOBILITY 2024 as a download.

Highlights 2024 (.pdf)

Your contact person

  • Maximillian Schmies

    Maximillian Schmies Müller + Busmann GmbH & Co.KG
    Comference management polisMOBILITY

    Hofaue 63
    D-42103 Wuppertal
    Tel. +49 202 24836 41

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