11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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Restart Stadtentwicklung! Blaupausen für die Energie- und Mobilitätswende im Bestand | Event on the polisMOBILITY 2024

Restart urban planning! Blueprints for the energy and mobility transition in the building stock

from polisMOBILTY Conference
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Municipal Mobility Transition, Urban Drive System and Energy Transition
polisMOBILITY Konferenz
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln

The event

While it is comparatively easy to meet the requirements of the energy and mobility transition in new construction projects, the holistic transformation of existing neighborhoods remains a challenge. How is it possible to think in broader contexts at the interface of urban development, energy and transportation transition? What can local authorities and municipal companies learn from existing best practice projects in the field of energy and mobility, particularly from urban development for the common good? And what opportunities do new partnerships between the public and private sectors offer for a comprehensive transformation of existing buildings? After a brief introduction to the topic by the Verband Kommunaler Unternehmen, we will look at the Haus der Statistik Berlin project and then discuss the future of planning with the audience.
Format: Presentations + Fishbowl
Moderation: Totinia Hörner
This format is designed in cooperation with: VKU - Association of Municipal Enterprises

Project development in urban development for the common good

ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG / AndersBauen gGmbH

Head of Corporate Development

TankE GmbH



Head of Electromobility & Storage Technologies in the Energy Industry

VKU Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V.

Head of the Urban Development and Planning Department

City of Aachen