11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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cities + regions

How can we design mobility to create the liveable cities of tomorrow?

Cities and regions are set to play a pivotal role in implementing the mobility transition. This is a huge challenge and often requires policymakers and public administrations to undertake pioneering work. That is why dialogue and exchanging lessons learned with each other is crucial.

cities + regions polisMOBILITY

The polisMOBILITY expo & conference provides the ideal platform for this exchange with its cities + regions segment. In a specially designed section of the exhibition hall, municipal and regional exhibitors are given the chance to present their achievements, innovations and examples of best practice in the sustainable mobility section.

At the same time, the trade fair is developing into a recruiting platform. Finding qualified professionals in the mobility section is also currently facing cities and regions with great challenges. They can engage in an exchange with potential employees at polisMOBILITY and reinforce their recruiting activities. Beyond this, the diversified conference programme holds many workshop and educational offers in store again - from exciting impulse lectures, to interactive workshops, through to stimulating panel discussions.

Take this opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers and to present your use cases at the centrally positioned cities + regions segment at polisMOBILITY expo & conference. Choose the presentation format that is perfectly tailored for your city or region from our wide selection – ranging from a stand in your own design to modular stands in various sizes as a complete package with low planning costs.

One section, many possibilities

Take this opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers on our centrally positioned cities + regions stand area. Establish important contacts, learn from the experiences of other cities and develop innovative solutions together for the mobility of tomorrow.

cityLOUNGE - show strength together

Mini stand cities + regions

Position your city as a pioneer in sustainable mobility! We offer appropriate small stands for cities, municipals and municipal companies like public utility companies and transport companies in the cityLOUNGE - cheap, compact and all-in-one. Several cities and municipal companies will exhibit here together and thus create a strong, municipal presence within the cities + regions exhibition section. The trade fair enables the participating cities to engage in an exchange about current trends and developments in the mobility section and strengthen their image as pioneers on the sustainable mobility scene. The personal interaction with experts and applicants offers up new perspectives.

Book your small stand now and become part of the cityLOUNGE!

cityLOUNGE small stand - included services

  • Stand area of 6 m² in the cityLOUNGE
  • LED HALO panel, free-standing incl. one-sided print
  • Carpeting
  • 1 counter
  • 1 bar stool
  • 1 triple power socket
  • Plugs and floor channel for LED and counter
  • Flat-rate energy fee
  • AUMA fee
  • Marketing package

Price: €3,600.00 (plus VAT)

Registration small stand

You are interested in participating within the cities + regions area?

We will be glad to advise you on the various participation options.

Or would you like to book the favourably-priced, all-in-one small stand?
Book now

Participate as a delegation

polisMOBILITY cities + regions Delegation

It is not only worth visiting polisMOBILITY individually - you can also apply as a municipal delegation and profit from further advantages. We will give you the best possible support with your planning and your trade fair visit: From supporting you in the run-up to the trade fair, to exclusive insights into the conference themes in advance, through to recommendations as to which programme items and exhibitors are particularly relevant for you. In this way, your joint visit to the trade fair will be more profitable for you as a city!

Apply by e-mail

Your presentation opportunities

Individual stand | polisMOBILITY

Individual stand

  • Maximum attention
  • Flexible design of your individual appearance
  • Implementation of existing stand construction modules
  • Modular stands of Koelnmesse

Modular stands Koelnmesse

Modular stand

  • All-round carefree package
  • Modular stand construction in three executions
  • Design of the graphic areas possible on request

Mini stand cities + regions | polisMOBILITY

Mini stand

  • All-in-one stand construction module
  • Ideal for presentations of your examples of municipal best practice
  • Networking space at City Square

Luisa Goebel

Interested? Then, don't hesitate to contact us!

Luisa Goebel
Sales Manager Germany
Mobil +49 176 1256 3246
Write an e-mail

Any questions? We are happy to help you!

  • Luisa Goebel

    Luisa Goebel Sales Manager Germany

    Mobil +49 176 1256 3246

    Write an e-mail