11.–12.06.2025 #polismobility

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Cologne's mobility turnaround meets a feel-good atmosphere

That was the polisMOBILITY camp 2024

Am 24. und 25. Mai 2024 zog das polisMOBILITY camp trotz anfänglicher Regenschauer eine beeindruckende Anzahl von Besucher:innen aller Altersgruppen auf den Rudolfplatz, bis der Durchbruch der Sonne am Nachmittag sein Übriges tat und das Areal um das Hahnentor endgültig in einen pulsierenden Jahrmarkt der Mobilitätswende verwandelte.

Living fair of the mobility turnaround

A juggler at polisCAMP 2024

© Stadt Köln / René Frampe

A juggler and various artists, including the Cologne improv comedy ensemble "Gude Leude", brought the visions of the sustainable mobility plan to life with their humorous performances. Cosy seating such as beanbags, swinging benches and turf islands under large trees created an inviting feel-good atmosphere.

Additional fun was provided by stands with horse racing, a bicycle-powered car racing track and a hire station for exercise games. In the media lounge under the Hahnentor, visitors could listen to mobility podcasts, watch short films or browse through the new polisMOBILITY print magazine. An interactive exhibition took visitors on a journey to the year 2035: at five stations, interested parties were able to find out about the goals of the sustainable mobility plan and familiarise themselves with current measures. At the city pavilion, city employees were available for discussions, while visitors left their wishes and ideas for Cologne's mobility on post-its on notice boards.

Creative ideas and dialogue on stage

people on a stage while they have a discussion

© Stadt Köln / René Frampe

Presentations and a varied stage programme with more than 30 speakers and artists made abstract topics tangible and entertaining.

On Friday, 24 April 2024, the event began with the topic of how our districts can become greener and more liveable. The participants learnt from European role models and the concept of the 15-minute city. This was followed by a "Science Slam", in which scientists presented their most innovative mobility visions in a low-threshold and humorous way. On Saturday, the alderman for mobility, Ascan Egerer, and representatives of the KVB discussed how to promote the switch to climate-friendly mobility and make public spaces more liveable. Afterwards, artist Jan Kamensky invited visitors to dream with his animation of a green and people-friendly Rudolfplatz.

Save the date for the next polisMOBILTY!

The next polisMOBILITY will take place from 11 to 12 June 2025.

Save the Date (.ics)

Not only Peter Lustig has a construction trailer

People infront of a trailer

© Stadt Köln / René Frampe

16 exhibitors and 13 civil society initiatives from Cologne, such as un:box cologne and the citizens' initiative LebeVeedel, presented their concepts and campaigns for the mobility of the future and liveable neighbourhoods on colourful construction trailers. The polisMOBILITY camp directly followed the polisMOBILITY expo & conference and brought together experts and interested parties for the third time to promote the mobility transition as a joint challenge for the city and civil society.

All informationen about the key topics are on a separate page .

Impressions of polisMOBILITY camp 2024

Author of the listed impressions are City of Cologne / René Frampe