22.–23.05.2024 #polismobility

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BIM4People: Partizipative Gestaltung nachhaltiger Mobilität | Event on the polisMOBILITY 2024

BIM4People: Participatory design of sustainable mobility

from polisMOBILTY Conference
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Municipal Mobility Transition, Urban Drive System and Energy Transition
polisMOBILITY Konferenz
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln

The event

In the course of structural transformation, change processes are increasingly encountering resistance from the population. However, in order to design sustainable mobility solutions, it is essential to actively involve citizens. In this context, the BIM4People research project is investigating the use of digital technologies and methods in the course of public participation. To this end, existing BIM model information is to be prepared and presented visually in such a way that it becomes comprehensible to the public. This has the potential to make planning and approval procedures more efficient and citizen-friendly.
Format: Presentation
Moderation: Burkhard Horn
This format is designed by: RWTH Aachen, Wirtschafts- und Innovationsnetzwerk Stadt Düren

Urban and traffic planner


Managing Director

WIN.DN GmbH - Wirtschaftsförderung für Düren

Research Associate

RWTH Aachen