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Sustainable mobility in major cities

Green Mobility Study | polisMOBILITY

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How sustainably is Germany moving? The Green Mobility Study by SIXT share provides answers to this question. The provider of car rental and car sharing services collected data from 600 people in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich in an online survey. The participants were asked about their attitudes and habits with regard to sustainable means of transportation and environmental protection.

Man charging a car-sharing vehicle at a charging station.

© SIXT share

Cycling for the climate

The majority of respondents agree that protecting our environment is important. Most people try to lead a sustainable lifestyle by avoiding plastic. Over half of the participants mentioned this as a measure. More than a third of respondents prefer environmentally friendly means of transportation such as the bicycle. The bicycle ranks second behind the private car and car sharing ranks third among the most frequently used means of transportation.

Sharing: speed, fun and variety

Car sharing is particularly popular with young people: According to the survey, around half of 14 to 17-year-olds use car sharing several times a month together with friends who are authorized to drive. More than 40 percent of the 18 to 24 and 35 to 44 age groups also regularly use car sharing services. There are many reasons for this: first and foremost is the security of being able to get home at night without any worries. The vehicles are used particularly frequently in leisure time, whether for meetings with friends, spontaneous jaunts or weekend trips. With e-scooters, the fun factor is paramount: more than half of those surveyed said they use e-scooters for pleasure. With car sharing, on the other hand, practical reasons play a more important role: the services are mainly used to get to hard-to-reach destinations or to get from A to B quickly.

When time is of the essence: Car

In all three cities, residents preferred a certain means of transportation when they needed to get around quickly: in the Hanseatic city as well as in Munich and Berlin, most people preferred to use their own car or the car of their household. Car sharing is popular with 16% of respondents in Berlin, almost twice as many as in Munich.

The survey was conducted among participants aged 14 to 99 in the following age groups: 14-17 years, 18-24 years, 25-34 years, 35-44 years, 45-54 years, 55-64 years and 65-99 years. The 25-34 age group was the most strongly represented.