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Survey in Baden-Württemberg

Large majority in favor of climate-friendly mobility

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Every two years, the Ministry of Transport in Baden-Württemberg has a representative survey carried out to gather opinions on transport policy in the state. It also surveys the use of various means of transport and wishes regarding transport planning. This year, the study focused on climate change. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport emphasizes that support for a climate-friendly transport policy remains high. A look at the results.

Blurred photo of a cycle and footpath on a river bridge with buildings in the background

© kristicraven auf Pixabay

Priorities of the citizens

If people in Baden-Württemberg could decide for themselves how much they want to spend on transport, they would prefer to invest in better local transport services. This was stated by 42% of respondents in the representative telephone survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute forsa. 19% of respondents were in favor of more investment in cycling facilities, followed by road maintenance with 13% approval. In contrast, the desire for intermodal networking of environmentally friendly mobility is declining - from 15% in 2019 to just 8%. A roughly equal proportion of the population would like to see roads expanded. In another question, the expansion of cycling infrastructure is much more popular: almost two thirds of respondents (64%) are even in favor of redistributing space in favor of cycle paths, eliminating parking spaces and car lanes. For pedestrian traffic, this approval drops to just under half.

Where does car traffic stand?

However, many respondents in Baden-Württemberg would like to hold on to their own car. The car is still the most frequently used means of transportation. In order to reduce noise pollution, 72% of respondents are in favor of a speed limit, and more than half are in favor of a 30 km/h speed limit in urban areas (58%).

The proportion of households with an electric car has risen from five percent in 2021 to 14 percent. Many see a better charging infrastructure as a prerequisite for more e-cars (63%), but less than in 2021. A good half are prepared to choose an electric drive when they next buy a car if the price is right. However, around half also do not consider electric cars to be more environmentally friendly than cars with petrol or diesel engines. Privileges for electric cars compared to "combustion engines" in terms of parking fees or driving licenses in cities are also viewed critically. Electric mobility is mainly finding its way into households in the form of pedelecs: Over a third of people use it as their main means of transportation, and the trend is rising.

Climate concerns Baden-Württemberg

Almost all respondents talk to their social environment about climate change (96%). This is also reflected in their own mobility behavior: 54% state that the desire to personally do something for climate protection is a reason for a long-term change in their mobility routines. This makes climate protection the most important reason for changing their transport behavior after getting a driver's license (57%).

Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens) sees the work of the Ministry of Transport confirmed: "Overall, the current survey results show that many people in the country want to travel in a climate-friendly way. Many are even prepared to change their mobility behavior in order to make a contribution to climate protection and because they like what is on offer. In particular, good and comprehensive public transport connections meet with great approval. This shows us that we are on the right track with the mobility guarantee."

A mobility guarantee for Baden-Württemberg would ensure that there is a public transport connection every 30 minutes in rural areas and every 15 minutes in urban areas from 5 a.m. to midnight. In the survey, a clear majority (82%) were in favor of the mobility guarantee.