22.–23.05.2024 #polismobility

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  Alexander Pehling | Speaker of the polisMOBILITY 2024


Alexander Pehling
VKU Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V.
Head of Electromobility & Storage Technologies in the Energy Industry

About Alexander Pehling

Alexander Pehling (M.A., Dipl WiJur) studied business law and municipal economics and has been working at the Association of Municipal Enterprises since 2011. He has been responsible for charging infrastructure issues since 2014 and has been actively involved in shaping developments in the legal, economic and technical framework since then. He is currently increasingly focusing on overarching strategic topics such as the energy transition, sector coupling and energy sharing. His key question is: How can we bring the energy and mobility transition to cities and existing neighborhoods?
