22.–23.05.2024 #polismobility

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Quality Instead of Quantity: Inner-city fast-charging infrastructure for electric cars

  • DE
  • Quarter development
  • Sector coupling
  • Traffic Area
  • Mobility turnaround
  • E-mobility
  • Vehicles and Drive Technologies


The BDEW announced in March 2022: "The charging offer is much better than the public discussion suggests". Even today, according to the EU Commission's current approach, the existing chargers could supply up to 2.5 million electric cars - with around one million electric cars currently on German roads.

However, when looking at the capacities of the individual charging locations, one crucial point catches the eye: in January 2023, around 67,000 slow AC and around 13,000 fast DC charging points were reported to the Federal Network Agency. Especially in the cities, the expansion of fast charging infrastructure is lagging massively behind. Fast charging allows electric cars to be charged in just 15 minutes for a range of up to 300 km, whereas they would have to stand at an AC charging point for several hours to achieve this range. The consequence of too few fast chargers: handling of only a few vehicles per day, long standing times, thus often blocked charging spots at AC pillars.

This is also the opinion of Fastned, the European provider of fast charging infrastructure. The company recognised the trend more than ten years ag o and has specialised in fast charging for this reason. Fastned now has experience in six European countries and is continuing to expand, including in Germany. In this keynote, Linda Boll, Country Manager Fastned Germany, will highlight the opportunities and challenges of setting up a fast-charging-network in the city: from finding suitable areas and working with municipal decision-makers, to the benefits for municipalities and city dwellers of working with renowned players from the fast-charging industry.

Format: Presentation

This format is organized by: Fastned Deutschland