22.–23.05.2024 #polismobility

EN Icon Pfeil Icon Pfeil
EN Element 13300 Element 12300 DE

Self-Sufficiency for Businesses: Utopia or necessity?

  • DE
  • Urban Sector Coupling
  • Municipal Mobility Transition
  • E-mobility
  • Mobility turnaround
  • Quarter development
  • Sector coupling
  • Traffic Area


Companies that want to remain competitive in the future and municipalities that want to live up to their pioneering role in the energy transition must position themselves sustainably in all areas. Sustainable business management then also includes being (as far as possible) self-sufficient in terms of energy supply in order to serve the company's values and at the same time be independent of decisions made by others. But what do we mean when we talk about energy self-sufficient operations?

We consider a holistic approach to independent, company-controlled energy generation, storage and self-use by means of self-generated electricity from renewable energy sources, as well as the associated intelligent load management systems. The following components play a decisive and realisable role for us: self-generated electricity by means of photovoltaics, implementation of new and intelligent use of existing energy storage systems, e.g. in the form of the already existing battery storage systems, which are parked in the company car park due to the ongoing electrification of the fleet. Following the vehicle-to-enterprise (v2e) concept, the latter can be sensibly integrated into the energy management of companies.

The path to an (almost) energy-autonomous company is long and must take many partial aspects into account. General contractors with holistic solutions are able to set up and accompany the entire project cycle in a sustainable and financially viable manner. Precise planning enables the precise timing of subsidy applications, installation, amortisation and liquidity for the other components. The question is not whether you should set out on the path to energy self-sufficiency, but when, and our answer is: now. How? We will be happy to show you.

Format: Lecture

This format is organized by: elexon GmbH